Fly Guy Presents Police Officers Guided Reading Level

5- and 6-year-old beginning readers need to read nonfiction books, too. They'll practice different comprehension skills & learn how to read for information. Here are some excellent choices to get you started.

Remember, it's okay if your children aren't reading independently. You can read any of these nonfiction books out loud to them.




Nonfiction Reading Comprehension Strategies


All Picture Book Biographies

Nonfiction Books for 5- and 6- Year Olds

Joey: A Baby Koala and His Mother
by Nic Bishop
I adore that this book is PERFECT for new readers — with simple text that tells a little story about a hungry baby Koala. Gorgeous photographs and design! "He tries to wake her. He scratches her ear. He climbs on her head. But Mom is not ready to wake up."

nonfiction books for beginning readers
Balance the Birds
by Susie Ghahremani
This book simplifies the math concept of weights and balances as birds land and leaves the tree branches in captivating, whimsical illustrations.

nonfiction books for 5 and 6 year olds
Fox Explores the Night
by Martin Jenkins, illustrated by Richard Smythe
A nocturnal fox searches for food in a busy city. She finds supper in someone's backyard then returns home. It's a purposefully simple book with guided questions in the back such as "Can you find examples of different light sources in the book?"

Honeybee: The Busy Life of Apis Mellifera
by Candace Fleming, illustrated by Eric Rohmann
Amazing, gigantic illustrations give us a bees-eye view of a honeybee's life from her birth to the days of working in the hive, guarding the hive, and searching for nectar. Beautifully written and illustrated, this book accomplishes being an informative book about the life-cycle of bees that sensitively ends with a reflection of our honeybee's accomplishments ("She has visited thirty thousand flowers…Her work is done."), her final flight in the warm air, and the birth of a new honeybee.

Nonfiction Books for 5- and 6- Year Olds
The Squirrels' Busy Year (A First Science Storybook)
by Martin Jenkins, illustrated by Richard Jones
Follow the owl and squirrels as they go through a year. The book starts in winter. The squirrels are "curled up in their cozy nest". Each season shows readers the different weather and behavior of the animals. It's a lovely introduction to seasons and animals for 5- and 6-year-olds. (Added to Picture Books to Teach Children About the Seasons)

Go Wild! Sea Turtles
by Jill Esbaum for National Geographic Kids
Use this new Go Wild! series with your early elementary readers to learn how to read nonfiction text for information. Full-color photographs, labels and captions, and colorful and readable text.

Go Wild! Pandas
by Margie Markiarian
This book is a beautiful way for younger readers ages 6 to 9 to learn about pandas with easier text and plenty of photo support and captions.

Pigeon Math
by Asia Citro, illustrated by Richard Watson
Hilarious! Addition and subtraction never felt so fun!! Add to that flying pigeons and a determined narrator and you get…an increasingly exasperated narrator who is TRYING to tell the story about ten pigeons but it's not working out! Why? Because the birds come and go, plus there's a cat, and well, it makes for some great silliness and inviting math opportunities. I absolutely adore every single thing about this book from the narrator's voice to the math-infused learning opportunities.

by Hannah Salyer

Beginning with minimal text, these gorgeous, captivating illustrations show groups of animals–herds, pods, packs– animals together. As you're invited into the book, the author presents more interesting text written from the collective we like this, "We frogs can become one noisy army…Together, we sing!"

My Little Book Bald Eagles
by Hope Irvin Marston, illustrated by Stephanie Mirocha
Learn about a bald eagle's beginning as an egg and growing to adulthood. Easy to comprehend with vivid verbs and engaging illustrations. "At six weeks the eaglets were nearly as tall as their parents. They trudged around their huge next. They flapped their wings in the wind. They hopped and wiggled and stretched."

Animals in the Sky
by Sara Gillingham
Riddles prompt kids to guess the animal in the constellations then check to see if they're right with lift-the-flap answers and more information. "I have a big bushy mane, a long tail, and a loud roar. I am the king of the jungle! What animal in the sky am I? I am the Lion. My brightest star is called Regulus, which means "little king."" The white and gold text and illustrations pop out off the page.

Nonfiction Books for 5- and 6-Year- Olds
Willow The Therapy Dog (Doggy Defenders)

Willow works as a therapy dog to help people feel better if they are sad — like patients in the hospital and students at a school and retired veterans. And the photos of Willow in her pajamas after a long day of work are absolutely adorable.

Tiger The Police Dog (Doggy Defenders)

Tiger is a Belgian Malinois police dog. Tiger works with a police officer to protect the city. Tiger sniffs for danger in different places like a school or a metro trash can.

Nonfiction Books for 5- and 6-Year- Olds
Dolley The Fire Dog (Doggy Defenders)

Dolley works at the fire station. Her job is to sniff out what started a fire. Sometimes her captain helps her practice by hiding a scent. She also visits with children to help them learn about fire safety.

Stella the Search Dog (Doggy Defenders)

Meet Stella, a bloodhound who works with a human partner, a police trooper. She uses her strong nose to find people who are lost. Learn how Stella practices, rides in the police car and helicopter, and searches and finds a lost hiker. Way to go, Stella!

Nonfiction Books for 5- and 6- Year Olds
Fly Guy Presents: Dinosaurs  by Tedd Arnold
It's such a genius idea of Tedd Arnold to create a nonfiction easy reader series with his popular characters! In Dinosaurs, Fly Guy and Buzz visit the museum and learn about dinosaurs. Kids will love the combination of comics and photographs as well as narrative and informational text. Each of the books in this series is about a field trip to learn about the book's topic.

All the Birds in the World
by David Opie
As the narrator talks about what makes birds birds, the kiwi bird asks "What about me?" on every page. Eventually, we'll learn the answer to the little bird's question…even though she doesn't fly, has no tail and has a beak with nostrils, she is part of the bird family. It's a wonderful, inclusive book with gorgeous illustrations of birds of all kinds. Valuable back matter gives readers a key to the names of the birds on each page.

Free For You and Me
by Christy Mihaly, illustrated by Manu Montoya
Rhyming basics tell readers all about the five protections in the 1st Amendment of our U.S. Constitution — free speech, free press, and more. Straightforward and well-written, this will be a helpful addition to elementary classroom learning about government.

Sun and Moon Together
by Ethan Long
Long's created a community (Happy County) with silly cartoons and stories that explain factual information while engaging reader's attention. Learn about the Sun and the Moon, the water cycle, the solar system, and delight in stories about characters like Wilbur and Orzo Bright whose hot air balloon pops and sinks to the bottom of the ocean. There's so much to learn, see, and do in this entertaining book.

Non fiction Early Reader Series for ages 5 and 6
Caterpillar to Butterfly  by Laura Marsh
Kids love thesimple text matching each beautiful photograph. These books are bright, colorful, and informative — perfect for any beginning reader around ages 5 or 6.

Woodland Dream
by Karen Jameson, illustrated by Marc Boutavant
A little girl and her dog walk through the woods, saying goodnight to each of the woodland creatures. Similar poetic text structure and soothing wordplay, "Antlered swimmer / Pond-weed skimmer / Daylight's fleeting — wade ashore / Bed down in the great outdoors." Rich, earthy illustrations give this book a warm, cozy feel.

Amazing Dogs Must-Read NonFiction for Kids Ages 5 and 6
Amazing Dogs DK Level 2
by Laura Buller
Not only is this nonfiction book relatable because of most kids interest in dogs, but it's also fascinating. (I learned a few things myself.) Talk about a great high-interest nonfiction book for beginning readers! Added to FAVORITE DOG BOOKS FOR KIDS.

Fly Guy Presents Scary Creatures!
by Tedd Arnold
Get 5 books in 1 in this large-sized book filled with these level 2 titles: Sharks, Dinosaurs, Insects, Bats, and Snakes. Fly Guy and Buzz visit places like the aquarium or the museum to learn about different creatures. Colorful drawings and photographs illustrate the topics about which they're learning with an appealing layout. The text of facts and conversation bubbles are just-right and comprehensible for growing readers.

The Brain Is Kind of a Big Deal
by Nick Seluk
Kids will learn so much about the brain in this well-done, humor-filled book with pacing and flow that will hold readers' attention. Plus, they'll love the cartoon panel illustrations and the text to picture ratio.

Nonfiction Books for 5- and 6- Year Olds
Smithsonian Early Adventurers Level 1 Readers: Safari Animals, Animal Habitats, Insects, Vehicles, Outer Space, Reptiles
 by Brenda Scott-Royce, Ruth Starter, Emily Rose Oachs, and Kaitlyn DiPerna
Get this early reader book right away for any child who loves nonfiction and animal facts. They will enjoy learning all the cool information. Great photos, good text to photo ratio, and excellent use of predictable, repetitive text.

first book of hockey Must-Read NonFiction for Kids
My First Book of Hockey Sports Illustrated Kids A Rookie Book

I highly recommend this informative nonfiction book for ages 5 and 6. Cool graphics, simple text, and full-color color photographs teach young children about the game of hockey.

The Story Orchestra: Carnival of the Animals
by Katy Flint, illustrated by Jessica Courtney Tickle
What a magical, musical picture book! Take an immersive journey with two brothers who journey through a magical kingdom. They swim under the ocean fly with beautiful birds, explore a dusty old museum, all the while, their adventures are accompanied by orchestra music. Gorgeous illustrations, fully interactive and imaginative, this is a wonderful way to create an atmospheric reading experience.

Over and Under the Rainforest
by Kate Messner, illustrated by Christopher Silas Neal
A child narrates what he experiences during a rainforest hike. The child notices the wildlife living up in the canopy and down below on the ground; animals like capuchin monkeys, leaf-cutter ants, sloths, and parrot snakes. Descriptive imagery plus beautiful illustrations transport readers to this verdant ecosystem. "High in the canopy, a furry dark shadow clings to a branch."

I Am Martin Luther King, Jr. nonfiction book list for 5 and 6
I am Martin Luther King, Jr.  (Ordinary People Change the World) by Brad Meltzer, illustrated by Christopher Eliopoulos
This nonfiction book series is a great choice for growing readers. The text to picture ratio is perfect and the narrative is interesting.
MORE Ordinary People Change the World Recommendations:
I am Albert Einstein
I am Helen Keller
I am Rosa Parks
I am Jackie Robinson

Egg to Bee LifeCycles by Camilla de la Bedoyere
Large pages, colorful photographs, oversized print, bolded vocabulary words, and interesting information make this a good addition to any elementary classroom. You'll learn about the bees, hives, laying eggs, growing and eating, queen, and more. This is just one in the new easy nonfiction picture books in the LifeCycles series. Other titles include Tadpole to Frog , Seed to Sunflower , Caterpillar to Butterfly , and Egg to Chicken .

Nonfiction Books for 5- and 6- Year Olds
Highlights Hidden Pictures Sticker Book
Younger learners can the stickers to find hidden objects. So fun! My kids always preferred the sticker hidden picture books to the color books.

Nonfiction Books for 5- and 6- Year Olds
LEGO Star Wars: These Aren't the Droids You're Looking For  by Ameet Studio
If your kids like LEGO and Star Wars, they'll love this activity book!

45 Games While You Wait
by Auzou
Use the provided dry erase marker to do these adorable puzzles for early learners. The book is organized into three sections: observation, puzzles, and mazes. In the observation section, you might find the difference in ogre shadows or find the differences between the two illustrations of Professor Neutron. In the puzzle section, you'll find word searches, sudoku, and more. The mazes section is pretty self-explanatory but all with fun themes like Treasure Island or Sherlock Holmes.

Best Easy Chapter Books for 5 and 6 Year Olds
Dogs by Emma Helbrough
My kids and I love this early reader series — the format and information in all the Usborne Beginning Reader books are excellent.

Nonfiction Books for ages 5 and 6
What Do They Do With All That Poo?

Learn about the poop of different zoo animals — pandas, hippos, elephants, hyenas, bats, and more. You'll read what's in each animal's poo, the shape and color, and other pertinent facts. "Each rhino's poop has its own unique smell. Rhinos smell dung to gather information about one another." Then, the book answers the title's question –what does the zoo do with so much poop? Well, they put it in trucks and dump it into landfills, send some to scientists, or make compost. Among other things. If you've ever been curious about animal poop, quell your curiosity with this informative picture book.

Nonfiction Books for 5- and 6- Year Olds
Orangutan Houdini
 by Laurel Neme illustrated by Kathie Kelleher
What an interesting picture book story based on a real life story! Fu Manchu, the orangutan, keeps escaping from his enclosure in the zoo. He doesn't leave the zoo, just hangs out in the trees and always returns when his keeper comes to get him. Fu is one clever orangutan! Written like a story in narrative format, this is an excellent nonfiction picture book.

Nonfiction Books for 5- and 6- Year Olds
Goodnight Hockey
 ( Sports Illustrated Kids)  by Michael Dahl, illustrated by Christina Forshay
At the city's outdoor arena, the hockey action is fast-paced and easy to follow through the book's narration and illustrations. And when it's game over, the kids happily say good-night. I'm impressed at how wellGoodnight Hockey introduces young children to the game basics.

Nonfiction Books for 5- and 6- Year Olds
Show Me Dogs My First Picture Encyclopedia
by Megan Cooley Peterson
Do your 5- and 6-year-olds love animals? This book will entice your kids to devour facts all about the animal they love — dogs!

Nonfiction Books for 5- and 6- Year Olds
Search and Spot Animals!  by Laura Ljungkvist
I'm SO in love with this nonfiction picture book! Instead of an overwhelming mashup of illustrations, Ljungkvist's illustrations are simple, clean, and not too crowded. For example, on a bright yellow background, look at the purple and blue chickens to find a dozen eggs. Or, on a blue background, search and spot 10 dragonflies sitting on blue lily pads next to green frogs. Lovely.

I liked this picture book with comic dialogue about the oft-neglected fly. You see, kids always study butterflies and rarely know that flies metamorphose, too — and Fly wants to convince you that you should really know more about him! Flies are so interesting — they make noise (butterflies don't) and they have big families (500 maggots) and help solve crimes (age of maggots on a dead body . . . ) just to name a few things.

Nonfiction Books for 5- and 6- Year Olds
Children's Activity Atlas

Colorful illustrated maps with flags, animal and landmark stickers, postcards, and a passport book make this a great interactive for geography enthusiasts. (I'll admit, I wanted to steal it from my children and do the stickers myself.)

I think this nonfiction picture book actually has the perfect ratio of words to text! It's informative without being an epic essay and the warm water-color illustrations are gorgeous. Readers learn that feathers can shade, warm, protect like sunscreen, make high-pitched sounds. Plus, they will discover examples of birds in the wild with each feather fact. Honestly, I never appreciated feathers before this book. It's so well-presented, it should be included in all classroom studies on birds.

Did you know that Winnie the bear was a real bear? Canadian vet and WWI soldier, Harry Colebourn, rescued a bear who he named Winnipeg and took her with him to training in England. But when he was sent to battle, Harry sent her to the London Zoo so she would be safe from battle. That's where Christopher Robin and his father, A. A. Milne, met Winnie. You'll love the photographs of the real Winnie!

Nonfiction Books for 5- and 6- Year Olds
Hippos Are Huge!
by Jonathan London, illustrated by Matthew Trueman
Excellent writing and illustrations make this one of the best nonfiction animal books because you don't realize you're learning so much about hippos because it's so interesting and well-laid out! Bigger text pairs with smaller factual text to give readers maximum learning. Hippos are COOL and DANGEROUS — you'll find out when you read this book.

Nonfiction Books for 5- and 6- Year Olds
The Potato King
 by Christoph Nieman
Simple text and illustrations narrate the ingenious story of the legend of King Fritz of Prussia who learned about potatoes (originally from South America) and tricked his people into wanting to grow them.

Nonfiction Books for 5- and 6- Year Olds
Mad Libs Junior Animals
Invent super silly stories with your friends and family. No need to remember parts of speech because the junior book uses pictures instead so even 5 and 6-year-olds can write these fun stories.

nonfiction books for 5 and 6 year olds in kindergarten and first grade

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Fly Guy Presents Police Officers Guided Reading Level


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